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Carpal Tunnel

Did you know that women are twice as likely to develop Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, (CTS) and accounts for over 50% of work related injuries according to the U.S. Dept. of Labor. CTS is the name given to symptoms that occur when the nerves and tendons running through the carpal tunnel of the wrist are compressed or become irritated with swelling, which can cause pain and numbness sensation into the hand and first 3 1/2 fingers The involved nerve, median supplies sensation and controls muscles in the hand.


Dr. Miller has been a worker’s comp. doctor that has seen numerous CTS cases that have been resolved conservatively and without surgery. Treatment may consist of soft tissue and joint mobilization, neck, shoulder, elbow therapies as needed, electrical muscle stimulation, exercises for the hand, wrist and forearm, icing instructions. Dr. Miller will give instructions about changing the work station environment and modifying activities to lessen the stresses to the involved areas.