Dr. Rober Miller Chriopractor header and tree picture

Neck Pain

The odds are that you will get a pain in your neck at some time in your life. There are 7 vertebrae and layers of small muscles that must work together for even a nod, thousands of times per day. You may have major neck problems if you have neck pain or stiffness that lasts longer than 24 hours or if the stiffness or ache reoccurs frequently or if you have had an accident or fall. Irritation of the nerves in the neck can cause persistent headaches, pain in the neck and shoulder blade area, shoulders, arms, and numbness into the fingers and dizziness.


Chiropractic evaluation will be performed consisting of thorough history of the problem and exam to determine the cause of irritation and determine what can be done to correct the condition. If the problem is a biomechanical in nature,
Dr. Miller will present a treatment plan, which can include soft tissue and spinal manipulation, moist hot packs, electrical muscle stimulation, ultra sound, therapeutic exercises to stretch and strengthen the soft tissues that attach to the spine. Instructions on proper body mechanics to lessen stresses to the spine and related muscles and nutritional advice if warranted.