Dr. Rober Miller Chriopractor header and tree picture


There are numerous causes for headaches and the neck is a major component of headaches. Diagnosis in Dr. Miller’s office will start with a thorough history, physical and spinal examination that will include orthopedic and neurological tests. X-rays are requested only if they are warranted and usually the clinical examination is able to determine the cause of headaches.


Cervicogenic headaches are those caused by deviations in the structures of the neck including the joints, ligaments, muscles or discs. Cervicogenic headaches can mimic both tension and migraine headaches. Research has noted that chiropractic management of headaches is effective and safe.


Treatment may include soft tissue mobilization and spinal manipulation by hand to improve the spinal alignment, physical modalities as electrical muscle stimulation, heat or cold packs, ultrasound. Recommendation for exercises to stretch and strengthen the involved musculature, posture at home and work recommendations with diet advice will be prescribed as needed. Relaxation techniques may also be discussed, especially if your headaches may be stress related.