Dr. Rober Miller Chriopractor header and mountain village picture

Brief Paperwork

You will have some brief paperwork to fill out upon entering the office.


Following the completed paperwork, you will have a consultation history with Dr. Miller to discuss your health related problems and concerns. Dr. Miller will ask you questions related to your complaints. The exam includes orthopedic and neurological testing, postural evaluation and palpation (examination by touch) to determine the cause of irritation and determine what can be done to correct the condition. If the problem is a biomechanical in nature then Dr. Miller will present a treatment plan, which can include soft tissue and spinal manipulation, moist hot packs, electrical muscle stimulation, ultra sound, therapeutic exercises to stretch and strengthen the soft tissues that attach to the spine, instructions on proper body mechanics to lessen stresses to the spine and related muscles and nutritional advice if warranted.