Dr. Rober Miller Chriopractor header and tree picture

Acute Lower Back Pain

Back pain is one of the most common reasons for missed work and half of all working Americans admit to having back pain symptoms each year. There are 2 general types of injuries, non-accidental are those that happen during the course of normal work activities and generally result from poor posture, repetitive movements and or fatigue.


There are the accidental injuries that occur after a traumatic event as slipping, falling, bending and twisting. Fortunately Dr. Miller can diagnosis the causes of both types of injury. Dr. Miller can treat you with conservative therapy addressing the causes of irritation, show you stretching and strengthening exercises to overall decrease the risks of injuries.


Dr. Miller can further educate you on proper body mechanics at work and home to lessen the stresses to the spine and related musculature. When the examination reveals another type of problem that is outside conservative care I will refer you to the appropriate health care provider.